A fully prepared Health & Medical Web Design & Development Company that focuses on creating customer-engaging web-based solutions. Ever since Crown Hill IT Solutions Company got launched, we have been deploying web-based platforms for medical providers and healthcare product companies to allow smooth communication within their work environment along with their patients and clients. We understand that technology not only influences the evolution and experiences things never-seen-before, but it also relives the moments as the people did a few centuries ago. Thanks to the advancements in Science, better quality treatments and medicines for former fatal illnesses have been made possible.
Customers are mobile, therefore you must create a platform that can be easily accessed anytime anywhere. Step out of the only-desktop zone and create a cross-platform browser or device.
We integrate web-based solutions with practice management, EHR/EMR, billing, scheduling, and other vital systems that are relevant to hospital websites, patient portals, web applications for disease control, and much more.
We upload your web solutions with a friendly user interface and content management system to update new content and edits easily so non-tech-savvy users won't have to get technical customer support every time they want to upload a new article.
Your website may also work as a backend for the mobile application to allow the patients to get access to their health data from devices and get social media integration and push-to-notification benefits.